Frequently Asked Questions
These are answers to some of the questions we are most often asked. If your question isn’t here, please e-mail goodersales@gmail.com to request the information you need.
What are Gooder-Henrichsen’s product capabilities and limitations?
We manufacture all steel joist and joist girder products, as well as special, more exotic shapes such as barrel joists, bow-strings, gable joists, scissor joists, arched joists, double-pitched and single-pitched, super-long spans, and composite joists.
We have provided joists more than 200 feet long (with a bolted splice). If it can be transported, Gooder can provide it! With our centrally located plant near Chicago, we have delivered projects in almost all of the 48 contiguous states.
In terms of job size, Gooder has produced numerous projects over 1 million square feet. One of our largest was Lowe’s Distribution Center in Rockford, IL. This project consisted of more than 3,500 tons of joists and girders and required 220 truckloads delivered to the job site.
What should I look for in a joist supplier?
Look for a supplier with a track record of honoring commitments. Other key attributes are responsiveness and flexibility.
You will find all that with Gooder-Henrichsen. Good service, competitive price, uncompromised quality — these are all givens. What separates us from our competition is our team approach and our understanding that we work for you. We are big enough to handle any size project, yet small enough to know you and your project.
How do I become a Gooder-Henrichsen customer?
Our primary customer is the steel fabricator or erector who supplies division 5 complete. In some cases, we sell to developers or general contractors, or direct to owners in a regional or national multi-store program account.
Our customer base consists of repeat buyers who rely on us time after time. We do not seek one-time-only deals. We’re forging relationships that last.
If you’d like to become a customer, call our sales department to discuss how we might work together. We would be proud to be part of your team.